Was your flight delayed, cancelled, or overbooked?

We can claim up to £520 compensation per passenger.

Any airline, any destination ➔

UK Regulations

Turkish Regulations

EU Regulation EC 261

Montreal Convention

No win, no fee
98% success rate
Trusted by thousands

Claim up to 6 years back

No win, no fee

We only get paid once you do

Our 100% risk-free service means if we don’t succeed you won’t have to pay for our work. No credit card needed, we’ll only deduct our fee from the compensation we win for you.

We set flight disruptions right:

Whether your flight was delayed or your luggage got lost, we’ll fight for your rights and help you claim maximum compensation.

Cancelled flights

If your flight was cancelled less than 14 days before planned departure you are eligible for compensation.

Delayed flight

If you experience a flight delay of 3 hours or more you can claim up to £520 per passenger.

Missed connection

Itinerary messed up? If you landed at your final destination over 3 hours late you can claim compensation. 

Lost baggage

Nothing compares to that sinking feeling when you realise your luggage is lost. The good news is, we can help you claim up to £3,010 per passenger.

Extra expenses

Flight disruptions mean you incur unexpected expenses. We'll ensure airlines pay the price and help you claim up to £5,472 compensation.

Denied boarding

A ticket is a ticket! If an airline doesn't let you board your flight, you are entitled to claim compensation from them.

We’ve helped thousands of passengers before you
Good company
Solomon Greenberg
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My experience with Claim n Win deserves more than 5 stars. Processed smoothly, and easily with just an email, and I received a refund short after. Claim n Win will surely be recommended to friends and family.
I wasn't really expecting any money…
Jair Sanders
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I wasn't really expecting any money back, it had already been quite a long time and I had actually forgotten about it. Suddenly I got an email with a lovely surprise, saying that I go a nice refund.
Overall Great
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Good experience overall, but took VERY long for the claim to move forward, had to follow up multiple times for updates, i understand it takes time to deal with the airline, but an update here that it has not been forgotten. but thanks much.
brilliant Gitty Meisner
Shimon Elkouby
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brilliant Gitty Meisner Just to let you know that we pay a 10% commission for any customers you refer to us, only make sure they mention your name when filing the claim.i understand it takes time to deal with the airline, but an update here that it has not been forgotten. but thanks much.
The best in the field!!
Yisroel S.
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Wow! A wonderful company! They are professional, Friendly and efficient. I had a great experience and would highly recommend them. If I would ever need services again I will definitely be come back. Thank You!
really recommending
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hi everyone, i must say that Claim'N Win gave me the best, good and FAST service and in most proffesional ways!!! really recommending them!! and of course the arranged me a FULL refund of mu tickets!!!
Try them once you'll always come back
Mr Y Lemberger
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Amazing service when ever your flight is cancelled just contact them you'll be covered from getting the next available flight to claiming all your expenses
Best service!
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I applied for a claim after not receiving my suitcase for 5+ days from the airline. Claim'N Win provided the best service and made sure I was reimbursed in the best possible way!! Thank you for all your help and excellent service!!!!
Areiella A
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"One of the airlines I was traveling with lost my suitcase. After a year and dozens of inquiries, I contacted Claim'n Win to deal with the airline. Soon after, I received the reimbursement I deserved. "Amazing service, highly recommend.
they went out of there way to make a recovery in my favor
Asher Berkowitz
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they went out of there way to make a recovery in my favor it took about 5 years until they got the compensation but they didn't give up its worth everything to go with them
very honest
Mayer Gross
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very honest, helpful, and reliable
I would give 10 stars
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Nothing beats Claim'N Win I tried to claim myself I tried to claim with other companies But Claim'N Win is the best. Rapid service and great costumer service And the main thing is "Ari"!!!!!!!!
I was very satisficed with Claim'NWin!
Moshe Strauss
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I was very satisficed with Claim'NWin! They helped me receive compensation - way more than I expected to receive! They were quick and easy to work with. Thank you!
we had a delay for over 8 hours we…
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we had a delay for over 8 hours we reached out to claims n win with one phone call everything was set and we all revived a refund our family would strongly recommended them
Amazing and professional service from…
Levi Basch
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Amazing and professional service from the start of our claim, and even followed up a few months later to check I received the full reimbursement. Highly recommended!
How it works

It's this simple:

Submit your details in minutes and instantly see if you are eligible for compensation.

Our team of specialists will fight for your rights and handle your claim from A to Z.

As soon as we receive compensation we send you your money.

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Success rate
0 %
Average compensation
£ 0
Claims handled
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